Local videographers Phil Audibert and Ross Hunter tell 'The Unexpected Story of School Integration in Orange County, Virginia'
About Ross:
Ross Hunter was born and raised in Charleston, WV. He came to Orange in the fall of 1971 to take a job with WJMA Radio. He remained there until the fall of 1986. When he left he was the Operations Manager. After leaving WJMA he began Dominion Market Research in Orange with business partner Bill Little. DMR is a mailing company. He retired from DMR in October 2017.
"The subject of school integration in Orange County has been on my mind for a few years. I think the African American Historical Society display at the Arts Center a few years ago nudged me to think about it some more. My wife’s work in the Orange County School System also raised my awareness of the black school experience. When Phil and I finished our previous project, we were discussing what to do next. I mentioned the subject and working title of “Someday". Phil liked the idea and we were off."
About Phil:
Writer/photographer/videographer Phil Audibert has co-produced numerous local historical video documentaries, the most recent being “Someday, the Unexpected Story of School Integration in Orange County, Virginia.” He and his wife, Susie, have also photographed and videoed the oft misunderstood sport of mounted foxhunting. And they have produced several short videos about the environment (“300 Tires and an Old Sofa”). All of these videos and more can be viewed by going to AHHA Productions YouTube link: AHHA Productions .
Phil has also won 20 first place awards and Best in Show (2010) from the Virginia Press Association for his feature series, The Insider, published (from 2005-2011) in his hometown weekly newspaper, the “Orange County Review. Something of a jack of all trades (and self-admitted master of none) Phil has been, over the years, a cattle farmer, innkeeper, ski instructor, musician, historical tour guide, and conservationist.